Dear Parents,
Parenting can be tough at the best of times and our lives have changed dramatically during social isolation causing a great deal of anxiety. Good news is that children begin to adjust and thrive in an incredible variety of settings. We can help them by using this as an opportunity to build resilience which will help them face future challenges.
But first.... YOU..
Are you taking good care of yourself?
Children's well-being depends on the well-being of their parents and other caregivers. Caregivers must take care of themselves so they have the internal resources to care for others. To this end adult caregivers can engage in self care by staying connected to social supports, getting enough rest, and taking time for restorative activities (e.g. exercise, meditation, reading, prayer, mindfulness or doing something you enjoy)
How can we support our children's well-being during this time?
We don't know whether the coronavirus situation will impact on children and young people's mental health, but we think that it may.
We want to do all we can to prevent this from happening or to minimise it. That's why we are giving this clear, simple advice to all those who are supporting children and young people.
There is much that each one of us can do to support the well-being of those in our lives, including children and young people who may already be vulnerable or suffering from mental health difficulties.
We hope this information will help provide some assurance that you can provide your kids exactly what they need to feel loved, safe and supported. If you're reading this chances are that you're already providing just that.
option 3 covid advice families2.pdf
option 3 covid advice parents.pdf
coronavirus research bite 1 self management for anxiety.pdf
There is also very good advice available on the NHS website that talks about looking after children and young people during the coronavirus outbreak.
Children need to feel safe, secure and positive about their present and future. Adults can help them by focusing children's attention on stories of how people come together, find creative solutions to difficult problems and overcome adversity during the pandemic. Talking about these stories can be healing and reassuring to adults and children alike.