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Our Catholic Life at SMC

At St Margaret Clitherow school we aim to celebrate, develop and enhance the Catholic Life and Mission of our children in many different ways.

 Holy Feast Day of All Saints Day 


On 1st November 2023 in school we celebrated the Holy Feast of All Saints Day. We remember all those people who have done special and extraordinary things in the name of Jesus. 

We think about people today who are special to us and whom we would like to pray for now. 

'Lord Jesus, 

Be like a bright flame before us, 

Be like a guiding star above us, 

Be like a smooth path below us, 

Be like a kind shepherd behind us, 

Today, tonight and forever. 


Beginning of the school year mass

On Friday 22nd September 2023, Fr. Richard celebrated our first School Mass of the Year.  The children read and sang beautifully and we remembered all our families in our prayers.

Year 6 visit to St Georges Cathedral

On 20th September 2023, our school was invited to attend the Beginning of year Mass which was held at St George's Cathedral.

Our RE Ambassadors and School Councillors along with Ms Rooney and Mrs Oke attended the Mass. We took a candle which was blessed by Bishop Paul. We lit the candle during our first school mass of the year. 

The Big Lent Walk

 The Big Lent Walk 

The school raised £196.10 which was donated to CAFOD

Thank you for supporting the Big Lent Walk! This walk of solidarity has helped raise life-changing funds. Your commitment means more families like Dristy’s can have the tools and training they’ve told us they need to stand strong against climate change. 

These words from Dristy’s mum, Rupali, shows just a little of what your support helps to achieve:

'Thanks to the training I’ve received from Caritas Bangladesh and CAFOD, I’ve managed to bring my family to a position where we no longer suffer from not having enough to eat. 

What makes me even happier, is knowing how far I’ve come and how content and comfortable my family is now.'

Thank you again! Do join in our other walking events and challenges throughout the year and I hope to see you again at next year’s Big Lent Walk. 

Year 2 RE Class work

 LQ: Can you show how the Gospel is celebrated in Mass?

Children acted as altar servers and priests. They walked up the aisle stood at the lectern. The priest said, ‘The Lord be with you,’ and the class responded. The priest then said, ‘This is the Gospel according to Luke/Matthew/John/Mark,’ and the children responded by making a sign of the cross.

Year 5 Dove Work

Year 5 & 6 Liturgy


Year 6 visit to St Georges Cathedral

 On 1st December 2022, our school was invited to the advent service that was held at St George's Cathedral. Many schools were invited but only some had the opportunity to participate. We were given the opportunity to sing, act and read. It was a very lovely service where we reflect on the birth of Jesus and the real reason for this advent season. We represented St Margaret's Clitherow well. We feel lucky to have had the privilege to not only attend but to participate in such an important and huge event. 


Other Faiths 

As part of our 'Come and See' Programme we learn about other faiths - Judaism, Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism.

Our children are encouraged not simply to learn facts about other religions but to reflect upon them and learn from them.

The teaching of other faiths at St Margaret Clitherow school ​ is about how members of that faith community live as a family and how they worship.


On the 21st November 2021,  we all gathered to celebrate the festival of lights. 



Children In Need 

Thank you to all the parents for all your hard work in supporting your child to come dressed up in yellow or Pudsey Bear for ‘Children in Need’ day. The school raised £192.13 which was sent off to the Children in Need Charity. 


Go Green - CAFOD

The school enjoyed working on their ‘Go Green for CAFOD’ posters.  We thought about how we could all work as a team to save our beautiful planet.

The school raised £168.65 which was sent off to the CAFOD Charity.  All our work supports our mission as a catholic school as outlined by Pope Francis in his ’Laudato Si’ Live wisely, think deeply, love generously.
