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St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School

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The School Day


Key Stage 1  Key Stage 2
School Starts  9.00am  9.00am 
Lunchtime  12.00pm - 1.10pm  12.30pm - 1.10pm 
School Finishes  3.00pm  3.00pm


Key Stage 1 is taught for a total of 25 hours each week. 

Key Stage 2 is taught for a total of 25 hours each week.


The main school gate at Birchmere Park will be open from 8.30am and access to the playgrounds and classrooms open at 8.45am. Our school officially starts at 9am however, early work in all classes has started at 8.50 am. This is just under an hour of additional learning for children who get into school early.

Any child who arrives after 9am should go to the school office. The school day finishes at 3.00pm for EYFS Reception KS1 and KS2.  Children should be collected promptly from their classes at these times.

Please let the school know by 9.15am each day if your child is going to be absent that day. This should then be followed up by a written explanation for their absence when your child returns to school and given to the class teacher or emailed in to the school office (sao@stmargaretclitherow.greenwich.sch.uk). Notification of appointments and also be given to the school office.



For those parents who want other adults to collect their children, this must be put in writing (via letter or email) and sent to the school office. The letter must include the relevant contact numbers of any adults collecting your child. This will then be put on record and passed to the class teacher.
