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St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School

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First Aid and Health & Safety 

First Aid 

If your child has an accident, the school will give basic first aid. If we think it may be serious we will contact you. If it is an emergency we will call an ambulance and contact you. The school has 11 staff with first aid qualifications. 


We are not able to administer medicines in school. If permission is granted parents have to fill in a medical permission form before medicine can be given. Please do not send your child to school with medicines without contacting the school office. The school keeps a register of pupils with asthma, please keep us informed of changes to medication etc. 

It is the parents responsibility to inform the school if your child has a known allergy. The child must have at least an Epi pen in school and other relevant anti-allergy medicine. 

If your child has been sick or ill in the night please keep him/her at home the next day. Children should NOT return to school for 48 hours after being sick and having diarrhoea.


Do l need to keep my child off school?



We ask parents to be vigilant and to keep their child home for treatment if necessary. Children should not be sent to school with live lice. 

Health and Safety on the school premises

NOT to use mobile phones on the premises

NOT to park in the school car park

NOT to bring dogs in the school playground 

NOT to smoke on school premises / playground 
