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SMC School Governors

The numbers of Governors in each school is set out in the school's Instrument of Government. 

See our Instrument of Government

The composition of a governing body should endeavour to reflect a wide range of groups from the community. 

Information about the role of Governors can be found at:


At St Margaret Clitherow, the governing body is composed of the following:

  • Foundation governors – who are appointed by the Diocese.

  • Parent governors – who are elected by the parents to be representative of the parent body.

  • Staff governors – who include the head, teaching and non-teaching staff.

  • Local Authority (LA) Governors – who are appointed by the local authority that maintains the school.

  • Associate members – who are not governors, but can be appointed by the governing body to serve on one or more governing body committees, and attend full governing body meetings.

The current Governing Body is made up of the following individuals who give up their time on a voluntary basis:

Foundation Governors

Mrs Z Sholola (Chair of Governors)

Mrs O Abu 

Mr S Chukwunonye

Parent Governors

Mrs M Kanga

Mrs T Phillippa-Epelle 

Staff Governor

Ms D Webb (Headteacher)

Mr J Levenson (Exc Headteacher )

Ms R Walker (Deputy Headteacher)

Local Authority Governor

Mr C Parsons

No Governors have business or financial interests that bear any relation to St Margaret Clitherow Primary School business.

